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The individuals and organizations that make up the Jackson Collaborative Network are united by a commitment to a set of core values:  Equity, Authentic Engagement, and Continuous Learning.  These values guide behavior and help support shared accountability for action.  


  • We pursue and promote equity in all aspects of our work.

  • We constantly seek to understand who is most disadvantaged by existing systems.

  • We actively work to create a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion across all network spaces.


Authentic Engagement

  • We authentically engage diverse perspectives in all aspects of our work.

  • We understand that we must create and maintain meaningful and welcoming opportunities for community members to be involved in identifying root causes and co-designing, evaluating, and improving solutions to systems issues throughout the community.

  • We actively pursue the elimination of barriers to authentic engagement so all residents have meaningful opportunities to engage in, and inform, our individual and collective efforts.

Continuous Learning

  • We embrace the emergent nature of systems change by purposefully using data and prototypes to test new strategies before moving to full implementation.  

  • We adapt and adjust our methods, processes, and strategies to remain in alignment with the needs of the Jackson community.  

  • We embed a culture of continuous improvement throughout our work, always taking time to reflect on our actions and behaviors to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of implementation.  

Taking Action to Address
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Racial Justice

The Collaborative Network is on an intentional journey to ensure Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Racial Justice (DEIRJ) are embedded throughout every aspect of collective impact work happening in Jackson.


In 2021, the Network Council, the group of network partners that serve as the governance body for Jackson's collective impact network, identified the need to engage a contractor to guide the network through an in-depth of assessment of network mindsets, policies, practices, and power dynamics that are contributing to inequitable outcomes.  The Council prioritized resources to support this critical work, and an advisory team was formed to develop and implement a process to identify a DEIRJ Consultant to serve as a guide to the network and the network staff team.  The DEIRJ Advisory Team designed a fully-inclusive process that resulted in the selection of Dr. Shelley Jones-Holt with Leadership Legacy Consulting, LLC


Dr. Jones-Holt will be working with the network in 2022 and 2023 to support learning, build common language, and guide the Council, Advisory Team, and network staff team through an action planning process that results in an equity action plan designed to address identified issues and produce results.  These activities kicked off in May of 2022 and will continue throughout the next year.  A brief outline of key activities and timelines is included below. 


Want to learn more about the DEI and Racial Justice focused work that is happening?  Contact Sheri Butters, Network Manager, for more information.    

Governance with an Equity Lens

Timeframe:  May 2022 through June 2023


The Network Council is working in close partnership with Dr. Shelley Jones-Holt to focus on learning and application of concepts and frameworks that help to embed equity throughout the network's governance structure.  Topics include:  The Water of Systems Change, Racial Equity Detours, Jackson Racial History, Governance Overview, Action Planning with a Systemic Lens, and the Role of Governance Teams. 


Alongside these efforts, the Council and network staff are participating in a Cultural Proficiency Book Study with other network partners.  The Council will also play a key role in providing feedback and input to guide and support equity impact action planning that will be happening from August 2022 through June 2023.    

Cultural Proficiency Book Study

Timeframe:  June 2022 through December 2022


Network partners, Council members, and network staff are engaged in a Cultural Proficiency Book Study from June 2022 through the end of the year.  The purpose of the book study is to help create shared understanding and common language to provide a strong foundation for the DEI and racial justice work that will be happening throughout 2022 and 2023. 

Network partners not currently serving on the Council were invited to join to share in this learning experience and help prepare for the work ahead.  Book study participants received a free copy of the featured book and join monthly discussion sessions facilitated by Dr. Shelley Jones-Holt to support their learning and application of the content.  Discussion sessions also provide an opportunity to work through complex and hard conversations that help move the work forward.    

Equity in the Workplace

Equity Impact Action Planning

Timeframe:  April 2022 through May 2023


The network's DEI and Racial Justice Advisory Team are working closely with Dr. Shelley Jones-Holt to build their knowledge and understanding of equity in the workplace and what it means to lead for equity.  This team also has a key role in leading Equity Impact Action Planning in partnership with network staff.  


This team serves in an advisory capacity to the DEIRJ consultant as needed to support planning and implementation of project activities.  Accountability for this group's work is assured through oversight provided by the Network Council.      

Throughout these activities, updates will be shared through the network's e-newsletter. 

Watch for information about how to engage in listening sessions that are planned in March and April 2023 to help with action planning.   

Timeframe:  August 2022 through June 2023


The network's DEI and Racial Justice Advisory Team and network staff are engaged in a variety of learning opportunities and lead the network's efforts to develop an equity action plan. 


This team will be grounded in a deep understanding of the Water of Systems Change, Jackson Racial History, and history of the Jackson Collaborative Network as they use data and input from network partners and others to identify inequitable outcomes that are present within the network, dig into root cause analysis, and develop an action plan to address them.  Accountability for this group's work is assured through oversight provided by the Network Council.    

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